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jacek neugebauer posters:   1   2

poster man who thought life, czlowiek ktory wymyslil zycie, jacek neugebauer

Człowiek, który wymyslil zycie
Manden der tænkte ting
The Man Who Thought Life
 Jens Ravn
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Denmark; 1970; size A1
price: 163

Gdyby Don Juan
byl kobieta
Don Juan ou Si Don Juan
etait une femme...
Don Juan 1973
Vadim R. Bardot B.
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, France; 1975; size A1
price: 375 €

poster stars of eger, gwiazdy egeru, jacek neugebauer

Gwiazdy Egeru
Egri Csillagok
The Stars of Eger
Zoltan Varkonyi
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Hungary; 1969; size A1
price: 300 €

poster jeremiah, western, jacek neugebauer

Jeremiah Johnson
Pollack S. Redford R.
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, US; 1974; size A1
price: 200 €

poster goat horn, kozi rog, jacek neugebauer

Kozi rog
Kozijat rog
Goat horn
Metodi Andonov
Jacek Neugebauer
movie,197?; size A1
price: 350

Morderca na zawołanie
The Killer on cue
Hubert Hoelzke
Jacek Neugebauer
 movie, East Germany; size A1
price: 150 €

poster description, rysopis, jacek neugebauer

Rysopis; Description
Skolimowski J.,
Czyżewska E.
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Poland; 1964; size A1
price: 375 €

poster we buy a fire truck, kupujemy woz strazacki, jacek neugebauer

Kupujemy woz strazacki
Wir kaufen eine Feuerwehr
We Buy a Fire Truck
Hans Kratzert
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, East Germany;
1972; size A1
price: 150 €

poster invitation, zaproszenie, jacek neugebauer

Claude Goretta
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Switzerland/France
1974; size A1
price: 175 €

poster mackenna's gold, zloto mackenny, jacek neugebauer

Zloto Mackenny
MacKenna's Gold
Lee Thompson J. Peck G.
Sharif O. Savalas T.
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, US; 1969, size A1
price: 200 €

Gwiazda zwodniczego
Star of deceptive
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Russia; size A1
price: 88 €

Jean-Paul Le Chanois
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, France/Italy;
1965; size A1
price: 150 €

poster slap happy, mario i nino, jacek neugebauer

Mario i nino
Faccia da schiaffi
Slap Happy
Armando Crispino
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Italia; 1971; size A1
price: 200

poster island of crime, porwany przez mafie, jacek neugebauer

Porwany przez mafie
Sequestro di persona
Island of crime
Gianfranco Mingozzi
Jacek Neugebauer
 movie, Italia; 1969; size A1
price: 250 €

Poczatek nowego swiata
Facerea lumii
The beginning  of a new world
Gheorghe Vitanidis
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Romania;  197?, size A
price: 150 €

Julij Rajzman
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Russia; 1968, size A
price: 275 €

poster, lipstick, dziewczyna z reklamy, neugebauer

Dziewczyna z reklamy
Lamont Johnson
Jacek Neugebauer
 movie, US; 1978; size B1
price: 100 €

Mezczyzna z bialym gozdzikiem
Vita Nejlikan
A Man with a white carnation
Jarl Kulle
Jacek Neugebauer
movie, Sweden; 197?; size A1
price: 375 €

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Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl