posters page 4

R. Olbinski - Posters:   1   2   3   4  5  .   prints  .   books  .   small prints  .  magnets  .   biography  . 

O cnotach i ich
About the virtues and
their interpretations
Rafal Olbinski
exhibit; 2006; size B1
price: 40 €

Opowieści Hoffmanna
Offenbach J.
Rafal Olbinski
event; 2006;
size B1
price 45 €

Rocznica Instytutu
Rafal Olbinski
promotion; size A1
price: 30 €

Samson i Dalila
Samson and Dalila
Saint - Saens C.
Rafal Olbinski
opera; 2009; size B1
price: 40 €

Sen Nocy Letniej
Night's Dream
Shakespeare W.
Rafal Olbinski
2011; size B1
price: 30 €

where magic reigns
Rafal Olbinski
promotion, 2017; size A1
price 25 €

Zlot wielkich żaglowców
Rafal Olbinski
event; 2007; size A1
price: 40 €

Król Lear
King Lear
Shakespeare W.
Rafal Olbinski
theatre; 2000; size B1
price: 25 €

visions of opera

Visions of opera
Rafal Olbinski
price:  45 €

Duma regionu 2004
Rafal Olbinski
commem.; 2004; size B1
price: 60 €

great performance

Great Performances
Rafal Olbinski
music; 1992; size B1
price: 100 €

R. Olbinski - Posters:   1   2   3   4   5  .   prints  .   books  .   small prints  .  magnets  .   biography  . 

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For detailed information please contact us on:
Galeria Plakatu, Piwna 28/30, 00-265 Warszawa, Polska
e-mail: warsaw@poster.com.pl